door Mirte Fellinger | jan 21, 2012
Twinformers (00:00:09) ultra shorts about us changing in random...
door Mirte Fellinger | mrt 6, 2011
Guards (00:00:14) Short about the changing of the guards at the royal...
door Merel Fellinger | dec 18, 2009
IIdentiteit Conceptart voor onze afstudeer film...
door Mirte Fellinger | apr 17, 2009
Evolution – Telephone (0:0:24) Assignment for school. Merel and her group had to make a short movie or viral to interest kids in a beta studie. This is a pilot. the concept of this serie was to show the evolution of daily objects. This way kids might be...
door Mirte Fellinger | sep 11, 2008
Selective Memory – Mirte (0:0:36) The animation students from AKV STJOOST (including me) got to make a short film about 9-11 for the locale broadcast. this short is about killing your...