door Merel Fellinger | jul 21, 2020
Growth of Picasso – Groei van Picasso (00:00:40) Inspired by self-portraits of Picassogeinspireerd door zelfportretten van...
door Mirte Fellinger | dec 18, 2016
IIdentity (00:05:06) Graduation film of Mirte and Merel Fellinger. An autobiographical short animation film. Merel and Mirte give insights into their twin world using short anecdotes from their...
door Merel Fellinger | dec 17, 2016
I no talk to you (00:00:49) short no sound animation about a fight between me and my twin sister...
door Mirte Fellinger | dec 17, 2016
Fighting is serious (00:00:42) short no sound animation about a fight between me and my twin sister...
door Mirte Fellinger | dec 24, 2015
Kerstgroet (00:00:37) Fijne feestdagen...